Monday, March 8, 2010

Elements of Daily Life and Economy

Every day, our residents have to spin a wheel to see what their tasks will be for that day. There are a total number of jobs than there are people. We use gold coins as our currency. One gold coin is worth Eighty-five U.S. dollars. We have no school. If you do not perform your activity, you will lose your head from the guillotine. Your age depends on what wheel you spin. There are three wheels: child 1-14, adult 15-50, senior citizens 51- death. Free time is time when you have finished your daily responsibilities and have time to do whatever your heart desires. Meals are prepared by the chosen chef for that day. Our food is grown and bought form the grocery store. Ever resident is treated equally with the same amount of respect and responsibility. There isn't any sickness in our utopia.


  1. How do people know how to do their job, if they don't have any training? Are people there stupid, since they don't go to school? Can they read and stuff?

  2. they are very stupid, sort of like this question.
