Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elements of Government

The people rule in our utopia, and there is no government. The wheel of jobs depicts who rules for the day, and everyone has equal rights. People do not commit crimes, therefore, we do not have a court system. We have an injection serum, which takes away all evil thoughts and the need for evil.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Elements of Organization

Families can be as big or as small as they would like them to be. However, they have to take care of them by their selves unless others offer to help them. Our residents are allowed to practice any religion they would like as long as they don't kill anybody or harm them without permission first. We have a variety of races in our utopia and is increasing every decade. Right now, our utopia is experiencing separatism by races and we are working to get that resolved. Aliens aren't allowed, so don't ask.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Elements of Geography

Our utopia is on an sunny tropical island shaped like a smiley face in the middle of the ocean. To protect ourselves from invaders, there is a giant bubble around the entire city. Solar energy is our power source. When the sun's rays collide with our bubble, it is transformed into solar powered energy. Houses range from brick houses to aluminum houses. Our peaceful, magnificent island is surrounded by other small, remote islands. Our transportation is by vehicles and motorcycles. In our utopia, there isnt any pain, so drivers can drive as fast as their vehicle will take them. You also have a choice to walk if you would like. Our geography is veeeeeeeerrrrrrry PUUUUURRRRRRDDDYDDYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

hey we updated our profile picture and will be making updates to our sites every monday and wednesday between 1:20 and 2:15 central standard time. thank you, and help us out by following us up!

Elements of Daily Life and Economy

Every day, our residents have to spin a wheel to see what their tasks will be for that day. There are a total number of jobs than there are people. We use gold coins as our currency. One gold coin is worth Eighty-five U.S. dollars. We have no school. If you do not perform your activity, you will lose your head from the guillotine. Your age depends on what wheel you spin. There are three wheels: child 1-14, adult 15-50, senior citizens 51- death. Free time is time when you have finished your daily responsibilities and have time to do whatever your heart desires. Meals are prepared by the chosen chef for that day. Our food is grown and bought form the grocery store. Ever resident is treated equally with the same amount of respect and responsibility. There isn't any sickness in our utopia.

This is our blogg stuffishness

hey wats up. This is our GEMS report for our utopia. we are all very (not) exited about doing this project. Mrs. Parimore is awesome and i love messing with her. If u are reading this, just remember when i killed my grandma on the bus.. have a good day!